Whatever it is, the way in-which you view and feel about yourself makes all the difference you need.

No amount of financial investment made in our community will ever be truly effective towards solving our problems, until We first Heal Our Community. We must first invest in the Human Economy in order to sustain any other financial investments hoped for.

Upon completion, The UJAMAA Community Development Center will house the administrative and community outreach program components which will work to bring awareness to the housing program and initiate a comprehensive campaign that identifies young adults who are public and quasi-public employees interested in homeownership. The location of the UJAMMA Community Development Center, being on a main thoroughfare, makes it easily accessible, immediately visible, and gives it a sociological impact as to invigorate interest and interaction.

 The facility will also be used to offer health, wellness, education and referral services. Risk factors such as illiteracy, cardiovascular, and associated illnesses such as high blood pressure and mental health issues will be addressed by the programs offered in the building. The completed building is the key to saving and serving the residents in the New 12th Ward and surrounding areas. In order to improve and empower the community we must first heal the community.


Phase 1


Project One "Going Green"